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A Japanese Export silver three piece tea/coffee set – ideal for 2 people

The pieces are double skinned as you so often find in Japanese Export silver – perfection since the repousse workings would not show.

The outer silver has been finely repousse worked with flowering plum or apricot branches – a true symbol of Spring in Japan. This flower was often used on pieces destined for weddings or anniversaries – a symbol of new beginnings

The maker is Samurai Shokai of Yokohama – a store which was opened in 1894 by Nomura Yozo.

The store was known to produce some of the highest quality Japanese Export silver pieces

Follow this link to learn more

Samurai Shokai, Yokohama, c. 1910.

Additional Information

Maker: Samurai Shokai Yokohama
Date of manufacture: c 1900
Weight: 925 grams

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